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what are snipers

What Are Snipers - 3/3 Show details + hide details - Sgt. Ian Rivera-Aponte, a U.S. Army and Marine with the 100th Infantry Battalion, in Honolulu, Hawaii, cleans a room during a photo shoot for a recruitment drive at Air Force Base McGuire-Dix -Lakehurst, New Jersey, ... (Photo Credit: USA) SEE SOURCE


What Are Snipers

What Are Snipers

BENNING, Ga. - At first glance, American Sniper Academy may seem like a rip-off of a TV show similar to "Survivor". Of the 46 applicants who entered the course in August, only four remained by the end of the fifth week.

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However, for the remaining students there is no academic comfort in the form of TV sets or catering tents. And the sniper candidates had to face their biggest challenge yet – a final exercise that tested all the skills they had learned over the past six weeks.

In the sixth week, students learned to engage targets from the field or from unobserved positions, since most of the activities they will encounter as snipers are not visible.

"Drivers are less likely to engage in attacks as a result of the conflict that often occurs in combat situations," said Sgt. 1st Class Eric Doolittle, a light sniper. He added that snipers should use alternating positions and use everything around them to create a position as stable as possible.

Among other things, the students fired the M2010 Winchester Magnum rifle at a range of up to 1,300 meters. They also fired the M9 pistol and the M107 .50 caliber rifle.

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During the last week of school, also known as the "work phase", students plan and carry out their mission after being given a certificate of action. The first day was all about sneaking into towns and setting up hideouts. Candidates watch news from the battlefield and experience sniper operations.

The students then moved into the forest to build an "underground shelter", digging a hole in the ground and carefully disguising it.

To complete the final exercise, students traveled to designated areas and were tested on skills including tracking, target recognition, distance estimation and signaling.

What Are Snipers

On the last day of the course, the students were given a timed walk to reach the "last shot" because the members had to be able to walk fast, carry a backpack and be able to complete their task. mission after a long journey.

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To make the final shot, the students were given two classes and one goal. Once they find the target, they count and determine its distance and hit the target. A hit in the first round was worth 100 points, a hit in the second round was worth 50 points, and a miss was worth zero. The results revealed the prestige score and the "top gun" score for the finish.

On September 22, of the 46 sniper candidates who began training at Fort Benning, only four remained.

Sgt. Stephen Ray, Sgt. Dale Taylor, Spc. Charles Gifford and Sgt. Nathan Vencil sits together. These four soldiers now qualified as snipers as well as observers.

Ray finished #1, or "Top Gun" in the class. A native of Oklahoma, Ray is with the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division at Fort Bliss, Texas. During the training, Ray said that it was always in his head that he would make it to the next level of training.

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He said that after he was informed that he was going to school, his board of directors tried to see if he had more opportunities to improve his scoring skills. He said that this helped him to pass the first challenge of the sniper school.

The biggest problem he had during the course was dismissal. He overcame adversity by learning from his mistakes and applying what he learned.

"The Sniper School training is the best I've ever had," Ray said. "All instructors are motivated to make you the best sniper you can be. They want you to succeed and will do everything in their power to help you do so while maintaining high standards. Instructors spend as much time as they need to make sure the concepts are taught."

What Are Snipers

Ray said the best advice he can give to soldiers who want to become a sniper is to succeed in their job.

United States Army Sniper School

"A man who wants to be a sniper has to prove himself to his peers," Ray said. "A soldier must excel at his job and take advantage of the opportunity to attend sniper school."

"I will do everything I can to prepare my soldiers who want to go to sniper school," Ray said. "If a soldier is properly trained for the tasks he will face in school, it will increase his chances of successfully passing sniper school."

Gifford, 28, from Sequin, Texas, believes that being a sniper is the hallmark of being a soldier. He said he wanted to be a sniper since he "played" as a kid, and said he knew in the first week of sniper school that he was going to graduate.

During the training, he said the only time he doubted the units was during a rapid fire drill during Hurricane Irma.

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He credited his first half for coaching until he was ready. His goal now is to transfer the knowledge he has to his field.

Taylor, who is from Chicago's South Side, said she feels accomplished and relieved to graduate. He said running was the hardest part because of the heat and humidity. He advised that the secret to getting through is not to give up.

Taylor went on to say that soldiers who want to attend sniper school must be tough. He said he trained in his unit and took daily training sessions. He waited six years before he was allowed to attend sniper school.

What Are Snipers

"This lesson was unusual," said Staff Sgt. Brian Moran, one of 11 teachers at the school. "On average, 48 to 52 percent of students graduate."

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"About 90 percent, it's mental strength that determines whether a student fails or succeeds," Moran added.

Although only four of the 46 graduated from the school, Moran said he is still excited to see a new group of snipers return to their units and hopefully change the mindset of snipers to be proactive, seek training opportunities and continue to improve. in their craft.

He added that soldiers who want to become snipers should know that their job is 95% observation and reporting and 5% shooting.

"It's not about movies, you don't shoot people every day and you don't get pats on the back for a job well done," said another teacher. The 7.62×51mm M24 rifle system has an accuracy of 0.5 MOA. to a maximum range of 800 meters. The M24 was the standard sniper rifle of the United States Army from 1988 to 2010.

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Accuracy International Arctic Warfare sniper rifles are standard issue in the militaries of many countries, including the UK, Ireland and Germany (German Army rifle pictured).

A sniper rifle is a long-range rifle. Requirements include accuracy, reliability, mobility, stealth and optics for anti-personnel, anti-materiel and surveillance applications for military snipers. The modern sniper rifle is a type of hand weapon that chooses a bolt action or semi-automatic, equipped with a telescopic sight to be fully equipped and mounted on a multi-action rifle.

Designed by Sir Joseph Whitworth, a great British general, he used barrels with a long triangular barrel, which meant that the bullet did not have to bite into the barrel of the gun as it did in conventional guns. His rifle was more accurate than the Pattern 1853 field, which proved weak during the Crimean War. In 1857 trials that tested the accuracy of both rifles and shotguns, Whitworth's design outnumbered the field about three to one. Also, the Whitworth gun was able to hit a target at 2,000 meters, while the field could only manage it at 1,400 meters.

What Are Snipers

During the American Civil War, Confederate sharpshooters carrying Whitworth rifles were responsible for killing field artillery personnel and were involved in the assassination of Major General John Sedgwick, one of the highest-ranking officers killed in the war. during the Civil War - at the Battle of Spotsylvania. Court House.

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During the Crimean War, the first optical sight was designed to be mounted on a rifle. Many of these pioneering works were the brainchild of Colonel D. Davidson, using the best materials made by Chance Brothers of Birmingham. This allowed the shooter to see better and target objects at greater distances than ever before.

The telescope's focus, or scale, was initially fixed and could not be changed, limiting its range. During the 1870s, the processing of cargo

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